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BasicFunder Release Notes

Navigation: Release History

Release 3.00 - Apr 16, 2009

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Changes in this Release


User Profile and Security Enhancements - more areas of the software to grant privileges to and better control of capabilities within an area of the software


Menu Changes - Created a new Menu section, Analysis, and put Statistics and Tabular Statistics within this section




Donor Profile - Combine Search and Misc. Search buttons into one and added Donor Navigator



Donor Profile - New field - Confidential Donor - Marking a Donor as Confidential will limit who is able to see this Donors information.  Only Users allowed access to Confidential Donors will be able to see the Donor Information, including reports.  User setup has a new option to control if the User logged in has the privilege to see Confidential Donors




Donation History - Added more information onto the screen - Event, Appeal, InMemory

