Release 5.34 - May 9, 2016

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Release 5.34 - May 9, 2016

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Changes in this Release

Enhancement - Dashboard  Double Click on a Chart to Copy to Clipboard so you can Paste into a Document

Enhancement - Name and Address Import - Duplicate Check - include email address duplicate check

Enhancement - Donation Letter - you can associate a Group to a letter, then when you use that letter for a donation, when the letter is printed BasicFunder will add the donor to the Group


Fix - Adding Donors to in bulk to a Group via Import or User Created Lists - needed to respect MailChimp requirements


Donor Profile

oEnhancement - Donor Profile Report - many data fields added, also optional printing of donation, contact and volunteer history.

oEnhancement - Donor Search - highlight names who are inactive or deceased

oNew Field on Volunteer Worked Hours - Job Title Code, uses the same drop down list as Job Assignment screen.


Accounting Interface

oEnhancement - Sage Interface - Preview report include GL #

oEnhancement - Quickbooks Interface - Preview report included QB Account Name and Class



oEnhancement - Donation by Appeal Report - option to include address

oEnhancement - Donation by Fund Report - option to include address

oNew - Volunteer Category Report

oNew - Volunteer Category Change Report

oNew- Volunteer Hours - Job Title Code

oEnhanced - Volunteer Worked Hours Report - Include All, Event Only, Non Event Hours


User Security

oIf a User does not have access rights to Donation information then in User Created Lists they will not be allowed to create or run reports with Donation information.


Membership Feature

oOn Donation Entry in the past you could indicate Membership Renewal Term (Years/Month) and BasicFunder calculated the expiry date, you can continue to use that or enter a specific membership expiry date

oDonation Letter - you can associate Membership Expire Date - if the letter is selected, the Expiry Date will automatically fill in on the Donation Entry